Blue Whale

"after birth"

These images are stills from the computer animation

"after birth"

created by

Vassilios Hurmusiadis (1992-1993).


"after birth" is an animation exercise on life and evolution of life, juxtaposing myth, reality and dream. The taboo myth of the child bearer stork is interrupted by a fictitious underwater creature evolution chain. The chain leads to a dream of underwater swimming whereby a homo-acquarious emerges from the waves onto the land. This is the top of the chain, the quintessence of evolution on this planet. The whale's presence is that of a mother-nature, calm, wise, and powerful. But then again she is rendered powerless by her own favourite child. Man turns against his own nature and the outcome is a disturbed evolution path towards a mutation of a human foetus.

"after birth" was screened at

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Copyright Dr Vassilios Hurmusiadis 2001.